Musical Arrangement BEATMAKING RAP / HIP HOP
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Lead singer
Examples arrangement
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Arrangement Rap / Beatmakers Rap / Hip Hop
Here are a few titles produced by beatmaking and arrangement studio MMTP in the style Rap / Hip hop like Nekfeu, Booba, PNL, Dadju, Jul, Furax, Inglourious Bastardz, Scylla, Demi portion, La Fouine, Lacrim, MHD, Kery James, Gradur, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Eminem, Chance the rapper, Kanye West… Don’t hesitate to contact us! contact for more information on musical arrangement and the song composition.
RAP / HIP HOP SOUND AND PROD RATESRate for Beatmaking / Rap / Hip hop sound : 100 € (Excluding mixing and voice processing) Rate Mixing Tracks (max 30) + Voice processing : 200 € Rate Voice processing : 80 €